
Stephen Collins’ style of teaching has been described as a hybrid between teaching and performance, with each seminar providing an interactive learning experience for your community.

Lectures can be held in schools, libraries, community centers, senior centers, museums, and similar facilities.


For more information or to book a performance:

978-853-0710 or walt978@aol.com


To make sense of The Bard, I believe a reader of his works must approach the text much like an actor to make it come alive.In Elizabethan England, the plays were meant to be heard, performed - not read. The First Folio of his work wasn't ever...

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Robert Frost

This interactive seminar will meet for a six-week term, one hour per class. I am more interested in an inclusive group discussion than didactic lecturing. Robert Frost, in my opinion, is an underread and often misunderstood poet. He doesn't fit...

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Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy Poetry Thomas Hardy's reputation as a man of letter is firmly established by his novels. However, he had told his good friends that he wanted to be remembered first and foremost as a poet. He was writing poetry while writing the...

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Walt Whitman

This lively six week seminar will delve deeply into the life and work of America's beloved poet Walt Whitman. The impact of his writing is still felt today. Whitman found inspiration in the everyday life of America; he saw and wrote of "a teeming nation of...

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Contemporary Poetry

This class will focus mainly on post 1950's poets. We will study several Pulitzer Prize winners, including: Robert Lowell Mary Oliver Richard Wilbur Stanley Kunitz A partial list of other poets will include Jane Kenyon, Donald Hall, Robert Haas, and Galway...

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William Butler Yeats

Born in Dublin in 1865, his poetry would eventually win for him the Nobel Prize in 1923. He along with Lady Augusta Gregory spearheaded the Irish literary revival. Critics have called him the great poet of old age. Most of what are considered...

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Edna St. Vincent Millay

Literature Seminar Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), winner in 1923 of the second annual Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, was a daring, versatile writer whose work includes plays, essays, short stories, songs, and the libretto to an opera that premiered at...

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For more information or

to book a performance contact

Stephen Collins

978-853-0710 or walt978@aol.com

or use this form

Contact Stephen Collins

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